We are so thrilled to announce our recent partnership – MapsTell.
What is it?
MapsTell is a Dutch company that has created the World of Difference (WoD), literally.
We are obsessed with DISC and human behaviour. The World of Difference is the next level in DISC.
The WoD makes DISC fun, interactive, engaging, meaningful and adventurous.
During this lockdown, TrginC & MapsTell did a compatibility test – through meetings, discussions, demos, agreements and disagreements, And, finally decided to tie the knot.

Now, Training inCorporate is the Official Ambassador for MapsTell in India.
What has happened since then?
The first certification of the tool is already completed. India now has six very capable and competent Guides who can help you navigate through the World of Difference.
Write to us at info@demo.unpopulardailynews.com to know more about the World of Difference – MapsTell